Call for Proposals: Blockchain Technology Symposium 2021

March 9, 2021

Call for proposals: Blockchain Technology Symposium 2021

Submission deadline: Arpil 2, 2021, 11:59 PM see details below

Blockchain Technology Symposium 2021 (BTS’ 21) will take place June 1-4, 2021, is a forum where academic researchers, industry professionals, and decision makers come together to present recent advancements, discuss adoption barriers, tackle common challenges, and explore future roadmaps surrounding blockchain and its related technologies such as consensus algorithms, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, and distributed ledger technologies.

As a follow-up to BTS’18 & BTS ‘20, which were hosted by Ryerson University and The Fields Institute, and by popular demand, BTS 2021 will gather a diverse audience from academia, industry and policymakers to engage in a dialogue around crucial topics in the adoption of blockchain technology. The aim is to bring these communities closer to address the challenges and seize the opportunities brought forward by this promising technology.

BTS ’21 will feature multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral talks and presentations on the themes: (1) decentralized finance (DeFi), (2) decentralized identity, (3) decentralized health and (4) decentralized supply chain management

  • Submission details
  • Submission deadline: April 2, 2021 11:59PM  
  • Submission link:  Easychair  
  • Decision notification: April 16, 2021

We are interested in multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral talks and presentations on this year’s themes: (1) decentralized finance (DeFi), (2) decentralized identity, (3) decentralized health and (4) decentralized supply chain management. Contributions should highlight new technological advancements, novel deployments, policy and regulatory challenges, new business models, adoption strategies, and/or social justice issues. Submissions must specify one of the four themes of the symposium. 

The focus is to foster academia/industry research dialogue and the talks are chosen based on their quality and impact. There are no proceedings and, as a result, the talks can appear in other venues. In particular, we accept high quality presentations that are already published. The talks and papers from the previous events in this conference series are available here: 2018 and 2020.

Talk Proposals will include the following and are limited to 1 page (PDF format):

  • Speaker’s name and affiliation
  • Title
  • Summary of talk
  • Relevance to a Canadian audience
  • Optional: Include links (as URLs) to any supplementary material (i.e., paper, software, slide deck, etc) for reference but not review. 

  • Announcement

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.

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