Dr. Shin'ichiro Matsuo
Dr. Shin'ichiro Matsuo is a research scientist in cryptography and information security. He is working on maturing Blockchain technology from academia and presents research results on Blockchain security. He is acting co-chair of Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN), a multi-stakeholder discussion body for blockchain technology and operations.
At Georgetown University, he directs blockchain research at CyberSMART research center and leads multi-disciplinary research among technology, economy, law, and regulation. He also leads international research collaboration on Blockchain as a co-founder of the BSafe.network, a global and neutral research test network to promote applied academic research in Blockchain technologies. He founded the BASE (Blockchain Academic Synergized Environment) alliance with the University of Tokyo and Keio University. He is a part of many program committees on Blockchain technology and information security at IEEE S&B, ACM, W3C, CBT (Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology), SSR (Security standardization Research), and others, and was a program co-chair of Scaling Bitcoin 2018 Tokyo. He serves as the leader of a standardization project (ISO TR 23576) on Blockchain security at ISO TC307. He is a member of the FATF Virtual Assets Contact Group (VACG) and the Private Sector Consultative Forum.