Victoria Lemieux, Zakir Jamal Suleman
Date of Publication
Blockchain can be characterized as a technology that enables social trust between actors. Research on blockchain technology points to the importance of user experience design as providing a foundation trust. What then is the relationship between how users experience blockchain systems and how they may come to trust them? While there is some research exploring how user experiences with blockchain systems influences trust, the relationship between the front-end design of these systems, user engagement, which has been a major focus of user experience design for non-blockchain systems and user trust in blockchain and distributed ledger systems has not explored previously. To address the gap, this study presents original exploratory research on the relationship between user engagement and the user’s perception of trustworthiness of a prototype blockchain system that enables patients to share genetic and other biomarker information with healthcare researchers, presenting a theoretical picture of the relationship and design principles to inform future design and research.
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